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The Graduate School of Business


Office: 655 Knight Way
Phone: (650) 723-2146
Web Site: Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford Graduate School of Business is a place where anything and everything is possible. It’s where the boundaries of knowledge are pushed beyond what’s imaginable. Where diverse ideas and perspectives aren’t just accepted, they’re encouraged and embraced.

And in this unique environment of innovation and collaboration, principled leaders emerge. Faculty, students, staff, and alumni develop the courage to take risks, the passion to lead, and the motivation to make a positive impact — on themselves and the world.

The mission of the Stanford Graduate School of Business is to create ideas that deepen and advance the understanding of management, and with these ideas, develop innovative, principled, and insightful leaders who change the world.

At Stanford GSB, we believe in the spirit of endless possibilities. So, together, we take chances. We challenge conventional thinking, invite and embrace diverse ideas, and collaborate to change the world.

This entrepreneurial mindset makes innovation and transformation possible. Growing up with Silicon Valley, this mindset is forever a part of our DNA. It’s our secret sauce; it seems somewhat intangible until you experience it firsthand — when you step on campus, take a class online or across the world, meet with faculty, talk to a student, or pitch an idea.

Degree Programs

The two-year Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree program prepares change agents to make a meaningful impact in the world through leadership of business, government, and social-sector organizations. The general management curriculum rests on a foundation of social science principles and management functions, tailored to each student’s background and aspirations. Interdisciplinary themes of critical analytical thinking, creativity and innovation, and personal leadership development differentiate the Stanford M.B.A. experience. Each M.B.A. student undertakes a global experience to provide direct exposure to the world’s opportunities. A Joint Degree Program allows Stanford students to combine the M.B.A. with degrees in the Graduate School of Education (M.A.), the School of Engineering (M.S. in C.S., M.S. in E.E.), the Stanford Law School (J.D.) as well as interdisciplinary degrees in Public Policy (M.P.P.) and in Environment and Resources (M.S.). Dual Degree programs are offered with the School of Medicine (M.D./M.B.A) and the program in International Policy Studies (M.A. in IPS/M.B.A).

The primary criteria for admission are intellectual vitality, demonstrated leadership potential, and personal qualities and contributions. No specific undergraduate major or courses are required for admission, but experience with analytic and quantitative concepts is important. Almost all students obtain one or more years of work experience before entering, but a few students enroll directly following undergraduate study.

The Stanford Master of Science in Management for Experienced Leaders Program (MSx)  is an intensive, one-year course of study for middle-management executives leading to the degree of Master of Science in management. Participants generally have eight or more years of work experience, with at least five years of management experience. Some students are sponsored by their company, but most are self-sponsored.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree program is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching in various fields of study associated with business education. Students focus on one of seven discrete areas of study including accounting, economic analysis and policy, finance, marketing, operations information and technology, organizational behavior, and political economy.

For detailed information on programs, curricula, and faculty, see the School's website.


Emeriti: (Professors) David P. Baron, Mary E. Barth,  William H. Beaver, Charles P. Bonini, David W. Brady, Paul Brest*, Alain C. Enthoven, Robert J. Flanagan, Michael T. Hannan, J. Michael Harrison, Chip Heath, Charles A. Holloway, Robert L. Joss, David M. Kreps, David F. Larcker, Joanne Martin, James R. Miller III, David B. Montgomery, Margaret Ann Neale, George G. C. Parker, James Patell, Jerry I. Porras, Evan L. Porteus, Michael L. Ray, Stefan Reichelstein, D. John Roberts, Myron S. Scholes, William F. Sharpe, George P. Shultz, Itamar Simonson,  Kenneth J. Singleton, A. Michael Spence, Venkataraman Srinivasan, James C. VanHorne, Seungjin Whang, Robert B. Wilson

Dean: Jonathan D. Levin

Senior Associate Deans: Brian Lowery, Maureen F. McNichols, Paul Oyer, Sarah A. Soule, Lawrence M. Wein

Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration: Rajkumar Chellaraj

Associate Deans: Derrick Bolton, Margaret Hayes, Page Hetzel, David Weinstein

Assistant Deans: Dianne Le, Grace Lyo, Kirsten Moss, Jamie Shein, Charlotte Toksvig, Julie Williamsen

Professors: Jennifer L. Aaker, Anat R. Admati, Susan Athey, William P. Barnett, Jonathan Bendor, Lanier Benkard, Jonathan B. Berk, Jeremy I. Bulow, Robert A. Burgelman, Steven Callander, Glenn R. Carroll, Peter M. DeMarzo, J. Darrell Duffie, Yossi Feinberg, Francis J. Flynn, George Foster, Steven R. Grenadier, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, Wesley Hartmann, Guido Imbens, Charles I. Jones, Ron Kasznik, Daniel P. Kessler, Roderick M. Kramer, Keith Krehbiel, Arvind Krishnamurthy, James M. Lattin,  Charles M.C. Lee, Hau L. Lee, Jonathan Levav, Jonathan D. Levin, Brian S. Lowery, Hanno Lustig, Neil Malhotra, Maureen F. McNichols, Haim Mendelson, Dale T. Miller, Benoît Monin, Harikesh S. Nair, Charles A. O'Reilly III, Michael Ostrovsky, Paul Oyer, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Paul C. Pfleiderer, Joseph D. Piotroski, Erica L. Plambeck, Hayagreeva Rao, Joshua Rauh, Peter C. Reiss, Condoleezza Rice, Garth Saloner, Yuliy Sannikov, Amit Seru, Kathryn L. Shaw, Baba Shiv, Kenneth W. Shotts, Andrzej Skrzypacz, , Sarah A. Soule, Ilya Strebulaev, Jesper Sørensen, Zakary Tormala, Lawrence M. Wein, S. Christian Wheeler, Stefanos Zenios, Jeffrey H. Zwiebel

Associate Professors: Mohammad Akbarpour, Mohsen Bayati, Anne Beyer, Konstantinos Bimpikis, Katherine Casey, Sebastian Di Tella, Rebecca Diamond, Brandon Gipper, Amir Goldberg, Yonatan Gur, Nir Halevy, Benjamin Hebert, Szu-chi Huang, Dan Iancu, Saumitra Jha, Michal Kosinski, Rebecca Lester, Matteo Maggiori, Ivan Marinovic, Sridhar Narayanan, Aruna Ranganathan, Daniela Saban, Navdeep Sahni, Paulo Somaini, Adina Sterling, Takuo Sugaya, Christopher Tonetti, Gabriel Weintraub, Kuang Xu, Ali Yurukoglu

Assistant Professors: Jonathan Atwell, Juliane Begenau, Justin Berg, Laura Blattner, Greg Buchak, Jung Ho Choi, Julien Clement, Octavia D. Foarta, John Kepler, Jinhwan Kim, Yewon Kim, Ashley Martin, Gregory Martin, Suzie Noh, Claudia Robles-Garcia, Kevin Smith, Jann Spiess, Stephanie Tully, Susana (Shosh) Vasserman, Stefan Wager, Chenzi Xu, Weijie Zhong

Courtesy Professors: Avidit Acharya, Eric P. Bettinger, Nicholas Bloom, Erik Brynjolfsson, John H. Cochrane, Geoffrey L. Cohen, Shelley J. Correll, Robert M. Daines, Joseph DeSimone, Jens Hainmueller, Andrew Hall, Caroline M. Hoxby, Fei-Fei Li, Daniel McFarland, Paul R. Milgrom, Monika Piazzesi, Walter W. Powell, Balaji Prabhakar, Kevin Schulman, Martin Schneider, Ilya Segal, Sara Singer, Robert Sutton, Robb Willer

Lecturers: Douglas Abbey, Matthew Abrahams, Richard Abramson, Burton Alper, Coley Andrews, Federico Antoni, Adi Aron-Gilat, Laura K. Arrillaga-Andreessen, Naomi Bagdonas, Matthew Bannick, Ed Batista, Sven Beiker, Kirk D. Bowman, David L. Bradford, Scott Brady, Melissa Briggs, Dikla Carmel-Hurwitz, Robert B. Chess, Leslie Chin, Steve Ciesinski, George Cogan, Susan Colby, Stephen Comello, Andrea Corney, Stuart Coulson, John Cronkite, Stephen Davis, David Demarest, Sara Deshpande, Gary Dexter, Connor Diemand-Yauman, Collin Dobbs, David M. Dodson, Jennifer Dulski, R. James Ellis, Charles Ewald, Peter Francis, Richard P. Francisco, Ricki Frankel, Matthew Glickman, William Guttentag, Kristin Hansen, Mike Harmon, Laura Hattendorf, Keith Hennessey, Samuel Hinkie, Charles Hudson, Sarah Hunter, John Hurley, Jeff Immelt, Brian Jacobs, Sujay Jaswa, Stephen Johnson, Paula Jones, Kim Jonker, Efrat Kasznik, David Kaval, Hugh Keelan, Peter B. Kelly, Allison Kluger, Glenn Kramon, Scott Kupor, Gloria Lee, Mark Leslie, Peter Levine, John Lilly, Leo E. Linbeck III, Robert J. Lisbonne, Christopher Mahowald, Kevin Mak, Fern Mandelbaum, Paraag Marathe, Ana Marshall, Kelly McGonigal, William L. McLennan, Hebert McMaster, William F. Meehan III, Thomas Mertens, James Milligan, Lisa Monzon, Patricia Nakache, Raymond Nasr, Heidi Patel, Robert Pearl, Andrew Rachleff, Anne Raimondi, Alyssa Rapp, Barry Rhein, Gerald Risk, Dennis M. Rohan, Howard Rosen, Alison Rosenthal, Michael Ross, Debra Schifrin, Heiner Schulz, Prasad Setty, Yifat Sharabi Levine, Robert Siegel, Russell Siegelman, Ilana Stern, Kevin Taweel, Alan Thygesen, Rob Urstein, Mark Voorsanger, Gregory Waldorf, Jay Watkins, John G. Watson, Graham Weaver, Donna Carol Wells, Peter C. Wendell, Maxwell Wessel, Steven Westly, Amy Wilkinson, Donald Wood

Adjunct Professors: H. Irving Grousbeck, Joel C. Peterson

Adjunct Lecturers: Kathryn Kostopoulos Amarotico, Henry Most

Dean's Fellow: George Osborne

Recalled to active duty. * Emeritus Professor from another SU department recalled to active duty.

Graduate Advising

For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the Graduate Advising section of this bulletin.